Clear Correct

Similar to braces, but no one will notice them. Clear Correct is a clear piece of material designed to help align your teeth similar. You will have to take them out whenever you want to eat.


  • Straighten your teeth.

  • Do not need bulky metal braces.

  • Look good and feel more confident.


This is going to be a quick and easy visit. Stop at the front desk to check-in with Diane. Then proceed to follow the dentist to your chair. Sit back and relax as we scan your mouth and take photos. Feel free to engage in a friendly conversation with Dr. Bob. Finally you will  have to schedule another appointment to get the aligners fitted to your mouth. 

What We Do:

We will start by scanning and taking photos of your mouth. We will then craft a careful analysis of how to correct your bite. The data and findings will be sent off to our lab. They will mold your device initially. When the new dental appliance is ready we will have our second appointment to fit it to your mouth. Then every 4-6 weeks we will have a check in to make sure that your smile is progressing. 

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